Sunday, June 15, 2014

Interactive Björk album "Biophilia" is the first downloadable application in the permanent collection of the MoMA

On display at the Museum of modern art - bedroom "Rain", a sex toy with your mobile phone actress bedroom works an Academy Award-winning, have we seen many crazy things. You can now add "Tablet app" to this list. Bjork "Biophilia," an interactive album released on iOS and Android, has become the first downloadable application to the permanent collection of the MoMA. Published in 2011 (still for sale) and the album allows listeners to "Songs to contribute" by playing with interactive screen. In "Solstice" for example (see picture above), the orbits can actually control the music for strings, with the ability to record and save your own version. Finally, it was this interactivity, which have the app, a place in the collection. "With Biophilia, Björk is really innovative people like music, that experience, to take part in the performance and music and Visual effects, rather than just passively listening", MoMA says senior curator Paola Antonelli in a blog.

Note that this not the first application to join the collection of the MoMA; This is the first download-only. The first application was in fact the 'reactive book' - collection - disc embedded in physical books by John Maeda 1994 (Oh, the years 90) "apps are very"collector"due to its finished or half-finished could be linked to the live stream and on the Web, but their infrastructure design is stable and defined, unlike Web pages," Antonelli wrote. "As one of the objects of the collection of the own MoMA is the app the Museum seven days a week exposed to. That is to say, to save the price of the ticket $25 (and the trip to Manhattan), we offer you only download it for $12.99. 0 comments

Via: AppleInsider

Source: Museum of modern art, Biophilia (iTunes), (part of Google)

Tags: Biophilia, Björk, MoMA, Museum of modern art, MuseumOfModernArt following: Playdate: Engadget plays the fate on PS4-alpha! .Fyre .fyre-comment-divider

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