Sunday, June 15, 2014

Facebook relaxes its policy on breastfeeding photos

Breastfeeding in public tends to bring out some strong opinions: For every person who believes there's nothing raunchy about feeding one's child, there's someone who thinks women should keep it in their blouses unless behind closed doors. And while the debate rages on, Facebook, at least, has taken a stand: The company has quietly adopted a more lax approach to breastfeeding photos, wherein someone can post such a picture even if a breast is fully exposed (and that includes the one the baby isn't nursing from). Mastectomy pictures are allowed too, though other images of topless women will still be removed.

The change came about two weeks ago, according to a Huffington Post UK report, but before that, Facebook treated breastfeeding pictures the same way it did any other photo containing nudity. Which is to say, they ran the chance of being removed under Facebook's obscenity policy. According to a Facebook spokesperson, the company has never had a ban on breastfeeding photos. "

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