Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The activity of individual neurons in the brain of the animal can associate with.

Scientists have longed long after an illustration of Neuron by neuron brain activity; Get and you see exactly what motivates the thoughts and reflections of the animal. WITH these can wishes, as it happens, to uncover a system that produces a map of 3D neural activity. The discovery is organized, a field of light microscope (form deviations create the light around a 3D image) optimized to the electrical impulses of each neuron to see on milliseconds-time level. So far researchers created videos show what the worm c. elegans and the brain of the Zebrafish larva happens in all algorithms.

You suspect set scaling could be a problem. Worm c. elegans has only 302 neurons, while as a human brain has 100 billion; You would need to see everything in your own head is happening much more large field of light. Currently, the technology is too low resolution to see what in certain parts of groups of neurons, such as the dendrites. Equipped with the technology of the with always evolving, however there is a real possibility that neuroscientists give the kind of conditions of the brain and could produce more effective treatments.

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Tags: Biology, brain, neuron, neuroscience, Neurology, science with, after video: GroupOn allows merchants process maps, follow GNOME-.fyre-.fyre comment divider based on customers with iPad

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